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Strange Suicide

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Post by Karen Sun 23 Jan 2011 - 8:18


While holding an inquest at Bermondsey last evening, Mr. G.P. Wyatt, deputy-coroner for East Surrey, received information of the death of John Bowden, aged 73 years, a cooper, lately residing at No. 88, Abbey-street, Bermondsey, who committed suicide under peculiar circumstances. It appears that yesterday morning Messrs. Camden and Recknell, undertakers, of Star-corner, Bermondsey, found a letter addressed to them in the letter-box. The following is a copy: -

"Gentlemen, I write this for you to come to No. 88 Abbey-street, to make me a good strong polished elm coffin with brass nails. I have sent you the key of the front door to avoid taking my body to the mortuary. My nephew will furnish you with papers and pay all expenses. Make the box as soon as you can. Yours respectfully, JOHN BOWDEN."

Mr. Tait said the coroner's officer was at once communicated with, and, in company with Inspector Reid of the M Division, went to the above address. Upon entering the first floor front room, deceased was discovered suspended by a piece of rope attached to a nail in the wall behind the door. He (deceased) was at once cut down, and Dr. John Martell, of 143, Grange-road, called in. That gentleman found that death had ensued two hours previously.

Source: The Echo, Friday October 3, 1890, Page 3

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