Jack the Ripper and Victorian Crime
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Mr. Troutbeck As The Surgeon's Friend

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Mr. Troutbeck As The Surgeon's Friend Empty Mr. Troutbeck As The Surgeon's Friend

Post by Karen Sun 28 Feb 2010 - 3:53

Mr. John Troutbeck was the Coroner who held the inquest on the remains which were discovered in a vault at the new police offices being erected on the Victoria Embankment, on Tuesday October 2, 1888. This case was termed The Whitehall Mystery, and was more likely linked to the Thames Torso Murders, than the Jack the Ripper case. Below, is a link to an article, featured in the BMJ (British Medical Journal), entitled, "Mr. Troutbeck as the Surgeon's Friend: The Coroner and the Doctors - An Edwardian Comedy."


Source: The British Medical Journal, July, 1995, pages 259-287

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