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Suicide of Kekewich

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Suicide of Kekewich Empty Suicide of Kekewich

Post by Karen Mon 18 Jul 2011 - 22:58

Pathetic Letter of Farewell.

This morning Mr. John Troutbeck held an inquest at Westminster Coroner's Court on the body of Mr. Hugh Haughton Kekewich, aged 35, a metal-broker, and residing in chambers at Villiers-street, Strand. Deceased was related to Mr. Justice Kekewich and General Kekewich.
Mr. Charles Granville Kekewich, solicitor, identified the body as that of his cousin. Witness last saw him on the 18th inst., when he seemed in good health and spirits. On the morning of the 19th witness received at his office a letter from the deceased as follows: -

Dear Granville, - Weeks of sleeplessness and worry have completely unnerved me, and I have been thinking horrid and fearful things for weeks. Some day or night the strain will be too much, and then, if so (here follow directions for the disposal of the deceased's property).

Mr. Lofts, an attendant at the chambers, deposed to finding the deceased in front of his wardrobe in his bedroom dressed in his pyjamas, dead, with a bullet-wound in the left temple, and a revolver by his side.
A verdict of "Suicide during temporary insanity" was returned.

Source: The Echo, Saturday December 21, 1901

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