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Suicide in the City

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Suicide in the City Empty Suicide in the City

Post by Karen Thu 28 Jul 2011 - 9:11


This morning Mr. Wynne Baxter held an inquiry at St. Bartholomew's Hospital into the circumstances attending the death of a youth named Simpson, aged 21 years, lately residing with his parents, at 13, New-street-square, City. On the evening of the 8th inst., the deceased was found in a dying condition on the top landing. He said he had taken some poison, but did not know why he had taken it. He was immediately removed to the hospital, where he died on the 16th instant from its effects. A cup containing oxalic acid was afterwards found in his bedroom. - James Eade, chemist, said the deceased came into his shop on the day in question, and bought two ounces of oxalic acid. He (witness) did not ask him the reason he wanted it, as it is greatly used for the purpose of cleaning brass. - The Jury returned a verdict of "Suicide whilst temporarily insane."

Source: The Echo, Tuesday October 19, 1886

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